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EUropean Public Health Outcome Research and Indicators Collection

Leaflet in .pdf format


Slovak Arthroplasty Register
University Hospital Martin
Kollárova 2
036 59 Martin
Slovak Republic

The Slovak Arthroplasty Register (SAR)

is a medical information system, which carries out the collection of precisely defined data on each implant of an artificial joint replacement carried out on individual sites in the Slovak Republic, and then evaluates them.

The SAR was established by the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic (Law no. 576/2004 Coll. on health care, services concerned with offering health care and on the change and completion of certain laws)

The SAR’s main aims are:

  • to offer an epidemiological analysis of artificial joint replacements carried out
  • to identify the risk factors of primary and revision implants which result in the failure of arthroplasty, while taking into consideration the age and the sex of the patient, the type of implant and the method of its fixation and the surgical procedure used.
  • by analysing and eliminating risk factors, to decrease the number of revision operations
  • to create a standard algorithm for regular controls of patients with artificial joint replacements and thus eliminate the formation of wide-spread destruction when releasing the endoprosthesis
  • to improve the quality of care for patients after artificial joint replacements

What information does the SAR collect?

The SAR collects the data required on register forms on primary and revision implants which are filled in by each department and sent to the register via internet.

The data required is:

  • patient’s personal details (name and surname, birth number, address and postal code of their permanent residence),
  • health insurance company
  • address of the site
  • date of the operation
  • primary diagnosis
  • previous operations
  • operation procedures
  • ATB prophylactics used with dosage
  • type of endoprosthesis
  • operated side
  • method of fixation of the endoprosthesis
  • cement and cementing technique used
  • type and size of the components of the endoprosthesis

For a revision implant, data on the primary implant are also required:

  • date of the revision implant
  • site
  • reason for the revision
  • controlled parts